Vacuum System
Silicon Investigations has extensive vacuum
system expertise in designing custom vacuum systems and process solutions
for diverse scientific applications worldwide. Our clientele include
leading edge research facilities in both corporate and academic settings
and semiconductor manufacturers. Examples of some our more recent process
solutions are given below.
- Atomic Layer Deposition
for Semiconductor Gate Oxide
- Flat Panel Display
Technology, Including Deposition Systems for Hafnium Oxide
- Photovoltaic Solar Cell Panels, Including Multilevel Dopant Implantation
- Optical Electronic
Communications and Fiber Optic Solutions
- Semiconductor Research,
with a Focus on Emerging Technologies Including Graphene
- Material Science,
Including Metal/Ceramic Interfaces & Failure Analysis
- Aerospace Research, Including UHV Processing and Testing
- Specialized Biological
Chambers and Instrumentation
- Thermal Space Simulation
- Laboratory Vacuum
Custom Vacuum Systems and Vacuum Components
- Remote and Internal
Manipulation Vacuum Chamber Designs
- Thermal Evaporation
- Power and Temperature
Controlled Environments
- Electron Beam Heated
- RF Radio Frequency
and Direct Current Magnetron Sputtering Systems
- Ion Assisted Deposition
- Laser Ablation and
PLD Pulsed Laser Deposition Equipment
- Atomic Layer Deposition
- Space Simulation
Chambers and Temperature Controlled Environments
- Reactive Ion Etching systems
Vacuum Sample Substrate Fixture Designs
- Large Substrate Size and Irregular Sample
Shape Capability
- Heat Substrate Materials to 600°
Celsius (1112° Fahrenheit)
- Cool Substrate Materials with Liquid
Nitrogen (LN2) to -196° Celsius (-321° Fahrenheit)
- Cryostat Systems to cool samples to Below
2° K
- Combine Sample Heating and Cooling Capabilities
- Multiple Axis Linear Manipulation
- Single Axis Source to Substrate Distance
- RF Radio Frequency and DC Direct Current
Substrate Biasing
Vacuum Process Automation Control
- PLC Programmable Logic Controller Vacuum
System Automation
- Automated Vacuum Sequences, Vacuum Pump
Down, Venting, etc.
- PC Personal Computer Interface for Advanced
Vacuum Process Control
- Automatic Deposition Processing, Data
Logging for Multi Layer Vacuum Coatings