Silicon Investigations HP 8510C Microwave
Vector Network Analyzer Repair Service
Silicon Investigations offers repair services for the HP (Agilent, Keysight)
Microwave Network Analyzers. These analyzers are still a good
bargain on the used market and can usually be restored to full
specifications for a reasonable fee. We also sell refurbished
machines and purchase non working units.
The HP (Agilent, Keysight)
8510C can
completely characterize a microwave network with a single connection
over the extremely broad 45Mhz to 50Ghz frequency range. Another
feature is a wide dynamic range of 80dB to 100dB.
Option 008 adds pulsed RF measurement capability
Option 010 adds time domain capability
The RF sources include the HP 8360 series synthesized sweepers.
In addition, the HP 8340 and 8350 series sweep oscillators are also
compatible wit the 8510C.
HP (Agilent, Keysight) 8510C Microwave Vector Network Analyzer reference material:
HP 8510C Operators Manual
HP 8510C Programming Manual
HP 8510C Service Manual
HP 8517B Data Sheet
HP 85106D Data Sheet
HP 85106D Operators Manual
HP Application Notes:
8 Hints for Making Better
Network Analyzer Measurements
Antenna Measurements -
Manual Pattern Measurements Using the HP 8510B
S-Parameter Design
Please see our shipping information
page for packing and shipping of your valuable instrument:
call us at 920-955-3693 or email [email protected]